• Krista Tippett

    American Journalist-Author-Entrepreneur Chubb Fellow Spring 2025

Alphabetical List of Fellows

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Sebastiao Salgado | Humanitarian Photojournalist | 1991 to 1992
H.E. Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez | President of Costa Rica | 1998 to 1999
Terry Sanford | Governor of North Carolina | 1964 to 1965
James R. Schlesinger | Secretary of Defense | 1975 to 1976
Arthur Schlesinger | Conference on the Presidency | 1971 to 1972
Patricia Schroeder | U.S. Congresswoman | 1987 to 1988
Ntozake Shange | Playwright, Poet, Novelist | 1987 to 1988
Ruth Simmons | President of Brown University | 2002 to 2003
Paul Simon | Singer-Songwriter | 2015 to 2016
B.F. Skinner | Conference on the Works of B.F. Skinner | 1971 to 1972
T.V. Smith | U.S. Congressman | 1953 to 1954
Robert Smylie | Governor of Idaho | 1966 to 1967
Sir Charles P. Snow | Novelist, Educator and Scientist | 1961 to 1962
Mario Soares | Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Portugal; Prime Minister of Portugal | 1975 to 1976
Ted Sorensen | Author; Special Counsel to John F. Kennedy | 2008 to 2009
Wole Soyinka | Nigerian Playwright | 1983 to 1984
Stephen Spender | Conference on the Works of B.F. Skinner | 1971 to 1972
Charles M. Spofford | Chairman, NATO Council of Ministers | 1955 to 1956
David Steel | Head, United Kingdom's Liberal Party | 1987 to 1988
Gloria Steinem | Feminist Activist, Writer | 2007 to 2008
Leslie C. Stevens | Vice-Admiral (USN), Naval Attach | 1953 to 1954
Adlai E. Stevenson | Governor of Illinois; Democratic candidate for President, 1952 & 1956 | 1958 to 1959
Carl B. Stokes | Mayor of Cleveland | 1968 to 1969
William Styron | Poland Forum | 1986 to 1987
Aung San Suu Kyi | Chair of the National League for Democracy and Member of Parliament, Burma/Myanmar | 2012 to 2013