• Krista Tippett

    American Journalist-Author-Entrepreneur Chubb Fellow Spring 2025

Alphabetical List of Fellows

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Richard M. Daley | Mayor of Chicago | 1991 to 1992
Moshe Dayan | Minister of Defense of the State of Israel; Foreign Minister | 1980 to 1981
Moshe Dayan | Minister of Defense of the State of Israel; Foreign Minister | 1979 to 1980
Emile de Antonio | Conference on Film and Politics | 1973 to 1974
Arthur H. Dean | U.S. Ambassador to Korea | 1954 to 1955
Rosa DeLauro | Congresswoman - Connecticut’s Third Congressional District | 2019
John DeStefano, Jr. | Mayor, City of New Haven | 2010 to 2011
Charles D. Diggs, Jr. | U.S. Congressman | 1971 to 1972
Richardson Dilworth | Mayor of Philadelphia | 1952 to 1953
David N. Dinkins | Mayor of New York City | 1993 to 1994
Rita Dove | Poet | 2007 to 2008