• Krista Tippett

    American Journalist-Author-Entrepreneur Chubb Fellow Spring 2025

Alphabetical List of Fellows

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Norman Mailer | Pulitzer Prize Winning Author | 1995 to 1996
Norman Mailer | Novelist | 1982 to 1983
Mieczyslaw Maneli | Poland Forum | 1986 to 1987
Wilma Mankiller | Principal Chief, Cherokee Nation | 1994 to 1995
Marya Mannes | Writer | 1973 to 1974
Wynton Marsalis | Musician | 2008 to 2009
Paule Marshall | International Symposium on Black Women Writers | 1981 to 1982
Mel Martinez | Secretary of Housing and Urban Development | 2001 to 2002
Sir John Masterman | Writer | 1971 to 1972
Charles McCurdy Mathias | U.S. Senator | 1975 to 1976
Robert T. 1989-90 Matsui | U.S. Congressman | 1989 to 1990
Herbert Matthews | New York Times Correspondent | 1960 to 1961
Rollo May | Conference on the Works of B.F. Skinner | 1971 to 1972
Richard D. McCarthy | U.S. Congressman | 1969 to 1970
Ralph McGill | Publisher and Editor, The Atlanta Constitution | 1960 to 1961
Theodore R. McKeldin | Mayor of Baltimore | 1967 to 1968
Bill McKibben | Author, Educator and Environmentalist | 2018
Robert McNamara | U.S. Secretary of Defense | 1983 to 1984
Jerzy Milewski | Executive Director of "Solidarnosc" | 1983 to 1984
Kate Millet | Writer | 1970 to 1971
Andre Milongo | Prime Minister of the Congo, Afirca | 1991 to 1992
Norman Mineta | Secretary of Transportation | 2015 to 2016
Walter Mondale | Vice President of the United States | 1981 to 1982
Newbold Morris | President, New York City Council | 1949 to 1950
Bruce Morrison | U.S. Congressman | 1982 to 1983
Toni Morrison | Nobel Laureate for Fiction | 1989 to 1990
F. Bradford Morse | U.S. Congressman; Under Secretary General, The United Nations | 1974 to 1975
Daniel Patrick Moynihan | U.S. Permanent Representative to the U.N.; U.S. Senator | 1975 to 1976
Lewis Mumford | Planner, Writer | 1949 to 1950
Sir Leslie Munro | Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the U.N. | 1959 to 1960
Edmund S. Muskie | U.S. Senator | 1959 to 1960