• Krista Tippett

    American Journalist-Author-Entrepreneur Chubb Fellow Spring 2025

Alphabetical List of Fellows

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Robert Wagner | Mayor of New York City | 1965 to 1966
Alice Walker | International Symposium on Black Women Writers | 1981 to 1982
Edward Weeks | Editor, The Atlantic Monthly | 1952 to 1953
Lowell Weicker | U.S. Congressman, Senator | 1972 to 1973
Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. | Governor, State of Connecticut | 1991 to 1992
Christine Todd Whitman | Governor, State of New Jersey | 1994 to 1995
Boleslaw Wierzbianski | Poland Forum | 1986 to 1987
Elie Wiesel | Author, Nobel Laureate | 2006 to 2007
Simon Wiesenthal | Nazi Hunter; Founder of the Jewish Documentation Center | 1985 to 1986
Shirley Ann Williams | International Symposium on Black Women Writers | 1981 to 1982
G. Mennen Williams | Governor of Michigan | 1957 to 1958
Sir Henry Willink | Master, Magdalene College, Cambridge | 1960 to 1961
Lord David Wilson of Tillyorn, GCMG | Governor of Hong Kong | 1997 to 1998