• Krista Tippett

    American Journalist-Author-Entrepreneur Chubb Fellow Spring 2025

Alphabetical List of Fellows

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Sir Harold Caccia | Ambassador from United Kingdom to U.S. | 1958 to 1959
Harry P. Cain | U.S. Senator | 1956 to 1957
Joseph Califano | Conference on the Presidency | 1971 to 1972
Santiago Carrillo | Secretary General of the Communist Party of Spain | 1977 to 1978
Jimmy Carter | President of the United States; Governor of Georgia | 1974 to 1975
John Chafee | Governor of Rhode Island | 1964 to 1965
Henry Cisneros | Mayor of San Antonio; President, National League of Cities, Secretary of Housing & Urban Development | 1986 to 1987
Joanna Rostropowicz Clark | Poland Forum | 1986 to 1987
Joseph S. Clark | U.S. Senator | 1963 to 1964
John Henrik Clark | Conference on the Black Woman | 1970 to 1971
James W. Clise | Vice President of National Municipal League of New York City | 1950 to 1951
Ta-Nehisi Coates | Award-Winning Author and Journalist | 2024
Fernando Collor de Mello | President of the Republic of Brazil | 1990 to 1991
Willie Colon | Composer | 1990 to 1991
Anderson Cooper | Journalist, Anchorman, Author | 2023
John Sherman Cooper | U.S. Senator | 1961 to 1962
Sofia Coppola | Filmmaker | 2005 to 2006
Beth Corona | Civil Rights Leader | 1970 to 1971
John A. Costello | Prime Minister of Ireland | 1955 to 1956
Walter Cronkite | Special Correspondent, Anchor, and Managing Editor, CBS News | 1994 to 1995
Mario Cuomo | Governor of New York | 1984 to 1985