• Krista Tippett

    American Journalist-Author-Entrepreneur Chubb Fellow Spring 2025

Alphabetical List of Fellows

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Hawa Abdi | Human Rights Activist and Physician | 2016 to 2017
Chinua Achebe | Writer | 2009 to 2010
Dean Acheson | U.S. Secretary of State | 1954 to 1955
Amhadou Ahidjo | President, Republic of the Cameroon | 1984 to 1985
Raul Alfonsin | President of the Republic of Argentina | 1986 to 1987
Sir Richard Allen | Ambassador from United Kingdom to Burma | 1962 to 1963
John Alsop | Connecticut Legislator | 1951 to 1952
Tadao Ando | Architect | 2001 to 2002
Maya Angelou | Conference on the Black Woman | 1970 to 1971
C.N. Annadurai | Chief Minister of Madras | 1967 to 1968
R.W. Apple, Jr. | Chief Correspondent, New York Times | 1998 to 1999
Paul H. Appleby | Professor, Public Administration | 1950 to 1951
Samuel Archibald | Conference on Film and Politics | 1973 to 1974
Moshe Arens | Minister-Without-Portfolio, Israel; Defense Minister of the State of Israel | 1986 to 1987
Jean Bertrand Aristide | President of the Republic of Haiti | 1993 to 1994
Sir William Armstrong | Head of the British Civil Service | 1969 to 1970
Koichiro Asakai | Ambassador from Japan to the U.S. | 1959 to 1960
Thomas Ludlow Ashley | U.S. Congressman | 1963 to 1964
Reubin O'D. Askew | Governor of Florida | 1976 to 1977
Les Aspin | U.S. Congressman,; Chairman, House Armed Services Committee | 1973 to 1974